Information in English

Early Childhood Interventions Programme in Austria

Since 2015, regional networks for early childhood interventions (called "Frühe-Hilfen-Netzwerke") have been widespread in Austria. Implementation is based on the Austrian model for early childhood interventions (called "Frühe Hilfen") developed by the Austrian National Public Health Institute (GÖG) on the basis of international findings and systematic analysis of practical experience.

The main objective of the Austrian model is to reach and support families in need (due to stressful living conditions or circumstances) during pregnancy or in the first three years of a child. “Frühe Hilfen” follows a multi-professional as well as multi-sectoral approach (investing in networking esp. with services from the health and social sector) to support families in raising healthy children. The programme is a non-compulsory service and ensures access of families through direct contact and through professionals, such as health and social workers, who can identify and refer them.

More information for families in English:


Before it all gets too much…


 +43 (0)1 38 9 83

We will listen and help!

We will help you during pregnancy as well as the first time with the child. We provide advice and support in the following areas: personal, mental, health, financial, or family issues. We give parenting advice, help parents strengthen the relationship between them and their child/children and help families create a support system by finding other organisations and institutions that can help.

We do not offer childcare or housekeeping; however, we can support families with finding help in these matters.

  • from pregnancy until the 3rd birthday of the child

  • non-compulsory voluntary, free of charge and anonymous on request

  • counselling at home or at our facilities

  • personal assistance with authorities, doctors, …

  • organisation of suitable support

  • referral to other helpful services

How do we help?

Every family gets assigned one family counsellor. We usually visit families at home, but it is also possible to come to our facilities for counselling. The family counselling can take place up to once a week, depending on what is needed. 

How do you receive help?

To receive help, call us and we will talk to you about your situation.

Frühe Hilfen Wien

01 38 9 83
Mo. - Fr. 9am - 5pm